You are responsible for abiding by the rules set forth in the paragraphs below. Any violation of the terms set forth below may result in immediate suspension and/or termination of all services currently being provided.
Clients must ensure payment for domain and hosting service renewals is made at least 10 days prior to the expiration date. Failure to make payment within this timeframe will result in the suspension of hosting services.
Unsolicited, commercial mass e-mailing (known as “spamming”) is a strongly disfavored practice among Internet users and web hosting providers. It is particularly harmful not only because of its negative impact on consumer attitudes toward us, but also because it can overload our equipment and disrupt service to our customers. This includes listing a hosted domain in any unsolicited email.
Pornography and pornographic related merchandising are prohibited under all XiberSoft Services. This includes sites that include links to pornographic content elsewhere. Further examples of unacceptable content or links include pirated software, “hacker” programs, archives of “Warez Sites”, game rooms or MUDs, IRC Bots, Egg Drop programs, any kind of illegal software or shareware. In addition sites offering online gambling, casino functionality, sportsbook betting (including offshore), and Internet lotteries are prohibited.
Clients are responsible for their web site backups as well as emails. They must download their emails by Outlook Express or any other email client on to their computer hard disk. We can’t take any data responsibility for client emails or web site data. However we take backup for our server restoration in case of server hard disk failure but this is for our own administration purpose. The clients are responsible to upload their data at first time (when we create their web hosting account on our servers) and any other time if any misshapen happened.
We will monetize on your domain if not use by client for any reason. We will insert search advertisements on our client domains if they are not using their domains i.e. not hosted anywhere !
You are not permitted to have any commercially available software, fixes, patches or electronic media (ex. MP3s, AVI, WAVE, etc.) for download on your site. We reserve the right – at any time, to terminate service if we find that you have violated this term. Additionally, should you be found to be in violation of any licensing agreements currently in place, we reserve the right to permanently terminate your service without refund. In English – no download sites.
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